遂宁发光字,遂宁标识牌,遂宁树脂字,遂宁迷你字,遂宁铭牌18580056285向总的制作工厂创建于2003年, 发展十多年,已沉淀为专业级金属标牌制造商,拥有大师级技术团队,现代化标准厂房车间,自动化设备和检测仪器,科学质量管理体系认证,广泛服务国内和海外等多家知名企业,主要经营产品有白酒标牌,红酒标牌,香水标牌,汽车标牌,礼品标牌,自行车标牌,包装盒标牌,电子产品标牌,logo标识贴,五金塑胶配件标牌等,标牌采用铝板,铝片,青铜,红铜,不锈铁,不锈钢,锌合金,铝合金原材料,拥有印刷,丝印,冲压,凹凸,激凸,高光,腐蚀,刻花,滴胶,镭射,氧化,打孔,镂空,折弯,立体浮雕技术组合完成,公司以“信誉一,诚信本,客户上,保证质量,信守合同”为经营理念。诚信与国内外的企业合作,共创未来,共创辉煌。。随着当今社会的高速变化和发展,对于标牌标识的需求也日渐繁增,标牌是形象的载体、是无声的向导、指示性、灵活性、应力、美观度、坚固度是此类产品的要求. 本厂经营项目:电子电器标牌,铭牌,机械标牌,安全标牌,家具、箱包标牌等。 本厂的宗旨:“诚信、创新、文明、双赢”。一直以来我们以低格高质量为客户服务!在此对支持我厂的新老户表示衷心地感谢!


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    Our main business "遂宁发光字;遂宁标识牌;遂宁树脂字;遂宁迷你字;遂宁铭牌" and other products. Company respected "practical, hard work, responsibility spirit of enterprise, and to integrity, win-win, creating business ideas, to create a good business environment, with a new management model, perfect technology, attentive service, excellent quality of basic survival, we always adhere to customer first intentions to serve customers, persist in using their services to impress clients.

    welcome new and old customers to visit our company guidance, my company specific address is: 四川遂宁市船山区遂宁城区50米大街中段98号.

    If you are interested in our products or have any questions, you can give us a message, or contact us directly, we will receive your information, will be the first time in a timely manner contact with you, we sincerely hope to cooperate with all friends, future hand in hand, sharing successful results!

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  • 向总
  • 18580056285
  • 023-62312471
  • www.kmxhfgz.com
  • 523000
  • 四川遂宁市船山区遂宁城区50米大街中段98号